Friday, November 20, 2015

Is the White Man the "Devil"? (Part 1)

Elijah Muhammad Founder of the Nation of Islam

Is the white man the "Angel of darkness",
" masterful tempter ", the " Abaddon ", the great destroyer but charming serpent? Or are we giving him too much credit and power by labeling him as such? This is a topic of discussion that I have wanted to explore for a very long time and since I have started this blog I think this is the perfect time to delve into and document.

Over some course of time, I will start extensive research on white people's existence on this planet and how they have contributed to the degradation that plagues us still to this day. Also, I will take a closer look at how exactly the white male gender is at the top of this patriarchy and has been at the forefront of the disruption of the whole entire world.

In my opinion and from my general knowledge white people and particularly the white, European, male has been representative of mass destruction when it comes to human existence on this planet. From the time I started school, I was basically being indoctrinated with the superiority complex of whites and white society. I was taught that my ancestors were captured, kidnapped, and brought to America to be enslaved and terrorized by their white oppressors. I was taught that they were beat, killed, raped and pillaged upon by whites. Children sold and separated from their parents. Black men were castrated and forced to watch while slavemasters took advantage of their women. Black women were impregnated by their masters and forced to love and care for what was a symbol of every natural born right they had being legally violated under that law of the land. When it comes to African American history and the white man's contribution to my people's suffering, this is usually where it begins but what was going on before this? What led up to millions, upon millions of my people being displaced and culturally raped to the point where we know nothing of ourselves. What led up to us ultimately being left with no true identity, no tribe or true ethnicity to attach ourselves to and no nation home to go back to. All to be left with no options, no representation and it just being open session and rightful under the law to exterminate blacks in America and let's not forget...ALL UNDER THE RULE OF THE WHITE MAN? Does this make him the god of the earth? Lucifer?? I will explore this and from time to time document my findings on my blog. Please feel free to chime in and let me know your thought below.

Peace, Love and Happiness


Check out this Video of Leo Muhammad of the Nation of Islam UK speaking on white people being devils

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