Friday, April 29, 2016


Rapper Lil Kim took to Instagram Sunday to share a photo of her new look. The whole world knows, if u haven't been under a rock, for the past decade Lil Kim has altered herself so much with cosmetic surgery that she looks scary at times. This new look ....well..... just flip the page to take a look.....

Lil Kim (photo from Instagram)

WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Giiiiirrrrrrrrrrl Byeeeee!!! I am so done with this shit. What is wrong with these biiiishes?!?!?! Now I'm not oppose to some plastic surgery but not on your fucking face! I would get my boobs done or maybe a tummy tuck or some lipo or something after having a baby or something in need of a little reconstruction but why alter your face?!?!? Naw bump that! Biiish whhhhyyyy alter your complexion?!?!?!?!?!?! That is definitely SELF HATE!!!! People are saying she looks like a white woman.........this looks Mexican and transgender-ish to me...NOT CUTE! NOT a good look! ESPECIALLY FOR A BLACK WOMAN!!!...... Now let me dead something before I go on. I've heard people say she bleached her skin to look like Nicki Minaj. #STOPIT ! Nicki hijacked this girl whole steez. PLUS Nicki definitely has bleached her skin also ...

Nicki Minaj Before and After Bleaching

... lets not forget, Nicki  is a self-hater as well. Both of these biiiishes is ill in the head BUT I digress. This is about Kim right now...
Lil Kim - Hardcore Cover

Everyone who know's me know's that I am a lil kim fan, have been since I was a little girl. Kimberly Jones made her inception into hip hop in the early 90's. She came out with a bang. A bit much for some people but other's loved her bold, bossy and in your face nature and of course men loved her. The baddest black barbie with her caramel complexion, lean curves, and gorgeous face she was unstoppable. I loved her because she represented everything that I wanted to be young, gorgeous, confident, and most importantly a  black woman that was a BOSS.

Old Kim
Old Kim

Old Kim
Old Kim
She was hands down one of the sexiest biiiiishes on the PLANET! smh!!!

Old Kim
I've followed kim's career over the yrs and I've notice that she drastically changed from year to year. It was like she was transforming into the late great female version of MJ right before our eyes.

All of this just makes me think about how as a black woman in America, we get so much flack from not only white society but our own men. As a people we are so f*cking slave minded that we will go so far as to bleach our skin and cut up faces to shreds to be accepted. 

“All my life men have told me I wasn’t pretty enough—even the men I was dating... It’s always been men putting me down just like my dad. To this day when someone says I’m cute, I can’t see it. I don’t see it no matter what anybody says.” 
- Lil Kim

Many black women can identify with being broken down psychologically and when looking in the mirror beauty is not seen. We have been told that we aren't the standard of beauty by society, by our families and friends so much to the point where we believe it! Where does it end though? Bleaching the skin  and altering yourself to be unrecognizable is definitely not the answer. I can say though with this new alteration at least she doesn't look like the black child of Elsa Patton.

Elsa Patton

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